Colin Blaze is visited by an elderly man who claimed to be 204-years-old. The man’s faded and ancient-looking passport says he is Colin Blaze. They even share a…
On a slow Sunday afternoon, a substitute postman finally figured out how to deliver a parcel to the office of Colin Blaze. This in itself was impressive but…
You have invested great efforts into fitting in where you live. You have good friends, a decent job, and nothing remotely strange has happened near you for some…
Colin Blaze was grabbing a coffee with his assistant Harry. This in itself was not unusual. What was strange was that the police chief marched in, chewed Blaze…
You gave up hoping for rescue months ago. Since then you have settled into making a home for yourself on this isolated planet. The loneliness is hard to…
Every six days, at exactly 11:46 am, a wise-looking monkey called Archibald comes to visit you. No matter where you are, Archibald just shows up. Bizarrely he speaks…
Invite the humans, they said. It will be fine, they said. Humans are friendly, they said. What they did not say is that humans recreationally imbibe toxins, poisons,…
What was strange was that, on this particular day, the only client was an ordinary-looking old man called John. John wanted help finding his lost dog, rover. Was…
For example, in Blaze’s waiting room that Monday morning was sat a mute werewolf with a serious dandruff problem, a yeti called Jeff with an expired visa who…
The junior offer’s party was going well. There was food, dancing, and great music. Then the human delegation arrived. They had to duck to use the door but…
Your engines failed mid-trip. This should have meant certain death for you and your five crew members. Fortunately, you were picked up by an unknown race of massive…
You wonder if you did something wrong. Normally, the Galactic Council only asks for you when the situation is dire. This time they asked you to investigate what…
You were hoping that your last year as the chief advisor to the Galactic Council would be unremarkable. Sadly, no. The humans have done it yet again. In…