Colin Blaze was grabbing a coffee with his assistant Harry. This in itself was not unusual. What was strange was that the police chief marched in, chewed Blaze a new one for failing to hand in paperwork, and then left. This would have been normal except that Blaze was under the impression he was a private investigator rather than a detective constable with the Metropolitan Police.

However, now that he thought about it, Blaze did remember having once been a policeman.

Thus started one of Colin Blaze’s most introspective cases. One that would leave Blaze with more questions than answers.

Colin Blaze is a (possibly private) detective cursed by a witch to have only cases that no right-thinking person would ever believe were real. The witch hoped that Blaze would be discredited and forced to quit. Instead, Blaze is the champion of the bizarre and marginalised oddities of London.

Colin Blaze has a small office and reception area immediately below his flat on the corner of Boyle Street and Savile Row in London. Due to the curse, the large majority of everyday folk cannot see his door at all. This makes getting mail a bit of a problem but it also means that his landlord frequently forgets to bill him.

This prompt features a character (Colin Blaze) from a shared and Open Source character collection. You are free to use Colin Blaze in any way so long as you give us appropriate credit. I (Matt) am longing to see the fiction that gets written about Blaze. I’m literally begging you to post a story or two about this strange detective.