You took a summer job delivering pizzas. One of your regulars is an honest-to-goodness wizard. The last two people to deliver to him vanished under mysterious circumstances. You,…
For the last few months, you have been enjoying a back and forth with some eccentric in the local paper’s letters section. You are starting to suspect that…
It turns out that your family has an extremely wealthy relative. No one has spoken with him in over thirty years. Today, your uncle called you. “I’m dying,”…
In this challenge try writing your next scene for all five classical senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight). Consider taking that even further and expand on the…
Let’s start a conversation about writing. Let’s talk about those parts of writing that we struggle with. We all struggle sometimes. Just knowing you are not alone can…
If you love horror (writing or reading it) then you know that some of the most effective horror turns something comforting or safe into something menacing or horrific….