Sometimes, you just need a name, setting, or location idea. Random generators can be helpful for the writer in a hurry.

Here are a few random generators that may be of help.

Get your plot and name generators here.

Roll for plot

This is our old-school lists and dice generator templates. They are found right here on The Muse of Last Resort. Each set offers trillions of possible plots. We have an entire roll for plots category for you to enjoy.

Check it out.

This site has a whole selection of generators from quick names and twin names, to pirate, cat, or rapper names. Not to mention last names, male names, and female names. You get the picture lots of options for whatever you need.

Check it out.

A collection of random generators from names to lists of things. Features such things as random address generators, name generators, and item generators.

Check it out.

by the looks of things this is from the same people who brought you Pick a genre and get an instant plot.

Check it out.

A selection of name generators for fantasy settings. Pick from real names by country or fictional locations.

Check it out.

Donjon’s DnD name generators

If you need a dwarven sounding name for you latest 5e game or a high elf name for your fantasy epic, this site has you covered. Also does human, orc, and other fantasy races.

If you check the menu you will find other generators including sci-fi, fractal, weird, and others.

Check it out.