Here is a pretty random collection of items. How many of these items can you squeeze into a single scene? Bonus points for making them all plot relevant…
Bring your characters to a grinding halt with car troubles. Take us through what the characters do to solve this issue. Who do they call? Can they fix…
For reasons they might not even understand themselves, your character lies about something. The lie is every bit as complicated as the truth – more so even. Now…
Have one character tell another that a third character has a crush on them. Have them explain in great detail why they think they are right. Allow the…
Introduce a majestic elephant into your story. How will your plot change now? What does the elephant’s presence say about your protagonist? Bonus points if there is a…
Add a wicked witch to your story not as the main antagonist but as a persistent and annoying troublemaker who complicates things regularly to troll the protagonists.
Introduce a new character who slowly gets closer to the main characters before it becomes clear to them that the writer is writing a comedy with your characters…
Start a chapter with at least two characters calling a taxi/cab. Follow the conversation and activities they engage in trying to pass the time. Every time they call…
Have a character explain in great detail to another character why they value a childhood toy so much. Have them derail the plot slightly by going back to…
A character with a secret crush on your protagonist finally admits how they feel in a most dramatic way. Unfortunately, this is the worst possible timing and the…