You and your family have moved into an old house. The house was originally built in 1902 and had undergone many changes during its long existence.

One day, you notice a hatch in the ceiling. You fetch a step-ladder and climb up. You find old dusty rafters, a variety of old boxes and suitcases and a door. The door leads into a small room. The room contains old and dusty bookshelves, a dark wood coffee table and two comfortable yet dusty armchairs.

On every wall of the room is a mechanical clock. A clock key hangs on the wall next to a picture of an old man who looks somewhat familiar even though you cannot place the face. The key though, that was the secret. It allows you to wind each of the clocks. They all still work. All but one.

The clock you cannot wind is different. It looks as if it was designed to be not just a clock but a colander as well. You are surprised to notice that it shows today’s date and time. You fiddle with this mechanical contraption for some time. While you cannot get it to tick, you do manage to set it to a date and time many years into the past.

When you leave the room the hatch is closed. You open the hatch and have to jump down because the ladder is gone. It is only after trying to find your bedroom that you come to realise that the date and time you set is the date and time you came out of the room.

You begin to realise that the room you have found links to every day, hour, and moment of the lifetime of the house.

Who do you meet and what happens as a result of your trip? Do you make more trips through the room? Who should you tell? The story now must be told by you.