Colin Blaze was bored that fateful Monday. It had been weeks since he had a case and the bills were starting to pile up.

Blaze was about to give up and go for coffee when in walked a tall man dressed in a pristine white suit. The well-dressed gentleman introduced himself as The Prince of Darkness; for W1 at any rate. It was his job to see that the darkness filled in properly after the sun had set.

Someone, said The Prince of Darkness (W1), had raided his warehouse and stolen almost all the darkness. In 7 hours, fifty-three minutes the sun would set. That’s how long Blaze had to help recover 375 gallons of concentrated darkness.

Colin Blaze is a (possibly private) detective cursed by a witch to have only cases that no right-thinking person would ever believe were real. The witch hoped that Blaze would be discredited and forced to quit. Instead, Blaze is the champion of the bizarre and marginalised oddities of London.

This prompt features a character (Colin Blaze) from a shared and Open Source character collection. You are free to use Colin Blaze in any way so long as you give us appropriate credit. I (Matt) am longing to see the fiction that gets written about Blaze. I’m literally begging you to post a story or two about this strange detective.