Maybe your character is too tired to work. Perhaps there has been a minor argument. It might be that a character is cold and wet. Whatever the reason,…
One of your characters is given five colourful stones. Each one will grant a single wish. One grants the wish perfectly as imagined by the wisher. Three grant…
Here is a tip to pad out your word count and make your plot a little longer. Have your protagonist misunderstand an instruction or a situation. Have them…
Have your characters debate the pros and cons of a number of possible options. Have them explore the topic so completely that they chose an unexpected option.
Use one or more of the inventive words from The Fictional Dictionary of Bad Language. The fictional dictionary is available in ebook form on Amazon. Below is a…
Have a character who will recap events on a regular basis much to everyone else’s annoyance. “Wait, so let me get this straight. The big bad has…” You…
Someone tells your character a huge secret. This leaves them conflicted. Ont eh one hand, if they break this confidence they may never be forgiven but, on the…
One way to pad out your word count and advance character development (not to mention backstory) is to have them either literally have, or imagine having, a conversation…
Add a character or choose an existing character with a crush on another character. Have them slow things down and/or interrupt the plot to try and get some…