Tag: food

What’s your character’s signature dish?

IRL writing dare: Skip meals all day to write about hunger more realistically

Skips two or three meals so that you are really hungry. Use that hunger to more accurately depict one of your characters being hungry.

Your characters go to an up-market restaurant; the waiter keeps misunderstanding their orders

In this dare, take your protagonists out for posh food. However, chaos ensues as the person taking the orders keeps misunderstanding and making mistakes. Find a way to…

Spooning (dare)

How many spoons (or references to spoons) can you get into a chapter unrelated to food or eating?

The Trotts

Your character eats some undercooked chicken. As a result, at the critical moment they are locked in the bathroom and decidedly unavailable to take action.

Art and the rain

Can you tell us the story that links these images together?

Food fight

Have a serious meal scene rapidly descend into a massive food fight.

Writing dare

Include a reason for your main character to reveal a very unusual food allergy.