Tag: dreams

Adam and Sue in The Realm of Dreams

Your people and place Your starting stuff

I dream of water

Every night when you go to sleep you have a vivid dream that you are struggling to stay above the water of a slightly choppy sea with no…

Just as I dreamed

One of your central characters (perhaps the protagonist) has a short dream concerning the events of the day ahead. The day unfolds just as they dreamed.

Using dreams to get new story ideas

Using dreams for story ideas is a technique employed by many writers. Dreams are our minds at their most creative. Authors have often taken inspiration from dreams. I…

In the world of dreams

Names: Peter and Beatriz Location: The world of dreams

All a dream?

I dare you to write a scene where, just for a moment, the protagonist thinks it was all a dream. Double points if this is not at all…

Sudden sleep syndrome

In what experts are calling “Sudden Sleep Syndrome”, people around the world seem to randomly drop into a deep sleep lasting from five minutes to several hours. Surprisingly,…