Tag: character

Tell us something unexpected about your character

What unexpected aspect of your character are you most excited to share? This character question was inspired by a blogger’s question on Open Mentions.

What are some of the ways that the world around your character has shaped who they are?

What does your character want and how does it differ from what they need?

Character wants are (usually) what motivates them to start whereas what they need is often the thing that satisfies them even if they do not get what they…

#NaNoWriMo tip: Use this one trick to guide readers through a surprising character decision

Try this at the top of your next scene. It should help you guide readers through a character doing something that is “out of character” or against their…

Write a review as your character

Pick an item or service that your character may be familiar with. Perhaps something that is unique to your setting. Write a review of that item or service…