Your character eats some undercooked chicken. As a result, at the critical moment they are locked in the bathroom and decidedly unavailable to take action.
One of your central characters (perhaps the protagonist) has a short dream concerning the events of the day ahead. The day unfolds just as they dreamed.
How many times can you surreptitiously get lyrics from David Bowie songs into your story? Bonus points if you make them fit so well, readers may not notice?
What if society had developed slightly differently. Everything is more or less the same but men are only allowed to speak when expressly given permission by a woman.
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo ) is also known as November by boring not-writer people. The challenge is to forget about plot and perfect prose and just bash…
What if it were a legal requirement for every room in your home to be fitted with a government-controlled listening device? How might culture change? What would you…
He was her dream man. Everything about him seemed perfect. Only his family and hers have been feuding for generations. They can get past that but he is…
In the wee small hours of a Tuesday morning, I gave The Muse of Last Resort a makeover. I was awake early and feeling creative. Everything should look…