Thanet Creative: Writers

Thanet Creative is a charity from Thanet, Kent, UK. Thanet Creative started as a writing group and continues to support and run writing groups in the Thanet area. For more on the charity side of things see their charity website – If you want a fascinating but slightly grizzly read check out “Writers Explore: Disposing of a dead body“.

During the Covid lockdown, Thanet Creative have generally met in their creative writing Facebook group Thanet Creative: Writers. The group is open to anyone from Thanet or interested in working with writers from Thanet.

Thanet Creative exists to support and encourage self-expression through creativity, especially creative writing. The members (especially Matt, the chair) contribute significantly to the Muse of Last Resort (this site).

It might be safe to say that The Muse of Last Resort would not exist without Matt and Thanet’s creative writers. Not only do they create a lot of our prompts but promote them widely too. Also, Matt does our technical stuff – mainly because he runs Author Buzz (our host) and he likes writing (like really, likes it).

Here are some creative links that you may find helpful.

If you are from Kent, England, why not check out their blog, Facebook page, or Twitter account.