Month: July 2024

Hit us with a two-sentence horror story of your creation

The rules are simple. You get two sentences. Use them to scare or horrify us.

You were the only person your friend could share a dark secret with

Where your character lives (or lived) under their bed is a forgotten item, what is the significance and story of this item?

Under your character’s bed is a forgotten item. What is the significance of the item? What’s the untold story?

She is in love with a ghost

Tell us something unexpected about your character

What unexpected aspect of your character are you most excited to share? This character question was inspired by a blogger’s question on Open Mentions.

You are the imaginary friend

What’s your character’s most controversial hot take?

I’m sure your character has one or two hot takes – tell us about them. This character question was inspired by a blogging question on Open Mentions.

Your imaginary friend just handed in their two-week’s notice.