Month: October 2019Page 1 of 4

NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow

NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow which means that all that creative prompting energy might be going elsewhere for a whole month. Don’t worry, I’ve been scheduling these prompts weeks in…

Deep space hitchhiker?

The very helpful squirrel

Each morning, a red squirrel comes to your garden and leaves something small behind. A screw, a rubber band, and a clear glass marble (to name but three…

The lie of the so-called “natural writer”

Child of dragons

On your eleventh birthday, you accidentally discovered that one of your ancestors was an actual dragon. Your family’s secrets get stranger. A lot stranger.

The trouble with dragons

The dragons, once a protected species, are becoming a problem. The lawmakers seem uninterested in allowing a cull, so you, the Knight Protector, must come up with a…

Life in the stars

You lived your whole life inside the tiny life dome only venchering out via telepresence robots. Then, one day, you find a picture book that talks about a…

Old photographs…

Who are my friends?

You gather around the fire on the last day of your camping holiday. As the storytelling starts, you realise that you do not know the names of anyone…

The impossibly old man

There is an old man in your town who claims to be an immortal. You never took him seriously until you find a photograph from 1917 which seems…

Overcoming writer’s block

A message for you

While walking on the beech, you pick up a shell. Inside is a message that says, “Act natural – they are all watching you.“

The man with forever

For as long as you can remember you have been able to see numbers above people’s heads. The numbers count down the amount of time each person has…

The mother who never was

The couple and their newborn were happy together. Last night, she complained people were ignoring her. Today, a man’s wife is nowhere to be found. No one remembers…

Cow cover prompt

This is your book cover. What is your book about?

Grandpa from space

You’ve always felt a little different but never knew why. Then, one day you ask your grandfather where the family came from. To you surprise, he pulls out…

The dragon war

World War 3 is about to start and seems like both sides intend to use dragons, magic, and assorted monstrous creatures. The best-kept secret in the world is…

Monster at the cleaner’s

No one believes you that one of the machines at the launderette eats people.

Your magic story

The spider cuteness initiative

From the flames

What is the story that connects these images? What, exactly, have these soldiers gone to war against? How did it all start and how does it end?

The clue in the blog comments

Zombie bite…

Childhood and the stage

Tell us the story that weaves these images of childhood and theatre together.