Three retired ladies share a secret.

They know what happened here 18 years ago. They keep it to themselves as no one would believe them anyway.

Today you learned a disturbing secret.

The town you grew up in doesn’t exist.

An Arrogance of Angels

A handful of youngsters blessed with divine abilities fight to defend the world from an army of angels trying to conquer the Earth in the name of The…

The monster that lives under your bed is frightened of the thing in your wardrobe

Everyone knows a secret about you but no one will tell you what it is.

The happy couple love their imaginary daughter

Hit us with a two-sentence horror story of your creation

The rules are simple. You get two sentences. Use them to scare or horrify us.

You were the only person your friend could share a dark secret with

Where your character lives (or lived) under their bed is a forgotten item, what is the significance and story of this item?

Under your character’s bed is a forgotten item. What is the significance of the item? What’s the untold story?

She is in love with a ghost

Tell us something unexpected about your character

What unexpected aspect of your character are you most excited to share? This character question was inspired by a blogger’s question on Open Mentions.

You are the imaginary friend

What’s your character’s most controversial hot take?

I’m sure your character has one or two hot takes – tell us about them. This character question was inspired by a blogging question on Open Mentions.

Your imaginary friend just handed in their two-week’s notice.

How have politics impacted your character?

Politics is a broad term. It can refer to local councils, governments, and trade agreements. It can also relate to gender assumptions, family dynamics, and social expectations. If…

What is your character’s deepest fear?

It is a rare person who has no fears at all. There are some fears so deep, we might not even be fully aware of them. What fears…

Your imaginary friend just asked for next week off.

When she hugs someone their painful memories are moved into her mind

When she hugs someone their painful memories are removed and placed into her mind. Her memory is now just a series of painful moments intersected with moments of…

What are some of the ways that the world around your character has shaped who they are?

A pacifist buys a gun

A man with a wooden leg walks into a nightclub and applies to become a pole-dancer.

What lie does your character believe about themselves?

We’re not always fully truthful with ourselves. We harbour illusions, misconceptions, and half-truths. Your character probably does too. What is a lie they believe about themselves?

You don’t remember what you did last night but now both Heaven and Hell have banned you.